Number Fun for Toddlers: Everyday Activities for Budding Math Whizzes

My 2-year-old son has recently taken a keen interest in numbers. To my surprise, he's not too bothered about shapes, colours, or even farm animals – but numbers, oh, how he loves them! He notices them everywhere – on houses, street lights, number plates, and more. Just going for a walk is the ultimate educational experience for him! Seeing his excitement has inspired me to find ways to incorporate number learning into our everyday life. In this blog post, I will share some tips and strategies, based on my own experience with my son, for incorporating number learning into everyday life for toddlers, making the learning experience fun and engaging.

1.Create a number-rich environment

I started by surrounding my son with numbers at home. We displayed number posters, collected books about numbers, and bought toys with numbers on them. This helped him become more familiar with numbers and their meanings.

2. Use everyday routines

We began incorporating number learning into our daily activities, like counting the number of steps while climbing stairs or counting how many pieces of fruit he had on his plate. 

3. Play number games

My son and I love playing "I Spy" with numbers, taking turns finding and identifying numbers in our surroundings. We also enjoy playing simple board games that involve counting, such as "Snakes and Ladders" or "Candy Land."

4. Sing number songs and rhymes

Together, we sing songs and recite rhymes that involve numbers, like "Five Little Ducks," "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe," and "Ten Green Bottles." It's a fun way to help him learn and remember numbers.

5. Visit places with lots of numbers

I've taken my son to places where he can see and interact with numbers in his environment, like the local supermarket, where he helps me count items, or the playground, where he counts how many times he swings or slides.

6. Use technology

I've found some educational apps and games that focus on number recognition and counting. These have been a fun and interactive way for my son to practice his number skills.

7. Encourage pretend play

Pretend play has been a great way for my son to practice using numbers in real-life situations. We set up a pretend store, restaurant, or post office, and he uses numbers while playing.

8. Talk about numbers

I make an effort to discuss numbers with my son throughout the day, asking questions like, "How many fingers am I holding up?" or "Can you find the number 7 in this book?" This helps reinforce his understanding of numbers and their meanings.

9. Celebrate milestones

I always acknowledge and celebrate my son's achievements in number learning, which helps boost his confidence and encourages him to continue exploring the world of numbers.

10. Be patient and supportive

I remind myself that every child develops at their own pace, and it's important to be patient and supportive during this learning journey. I encourage his interest in numbers and celebrate his progress, no matter how small.

By incorporating number learning into our everyday life and making it fun and engaging, I've been able to help my son develop a strong foundation in numeracy. These strategies have not only helped him learn about numbers but also fostered a love of learning that will benefit him throughout his life. I hope that by sharing our experience, other parents and educators can help their toddlers discover the joy of numbers as well.
