Sleep like a baby: Tips for creating a bedtime routine that works for your family.

Hey there, fellow parents! I've been feeling over the moon lately because my 2-year-old son has been putting himself to bed like a champ. And get this, he even snuck away to nap in his room all by himself last weekend! I can't take credit for his easy bedtime habits though; I have to give props to my super dad husband who worked hard to establish a solid bedtime routine that works for our family.

If you're struggling to get your little one to wind down after a busy day and fall asleep, don't worry, you're not alone. A bedtime routine can make all the difference in how well your child sleeps and how well you sleep too! So, I thought I'd share my husband's tips for creating a bedtime routine that has been working wonders for us.

First things first, start with a consistent bedtime. We've found that 7 pm works best for us, giving us some much-needed downtime in the evenings. It helps your child's body get into a rhythm, making it easier for them to drift off to dreamland.

Next up, wind down with quiet activities for about an hour before bedtime. You can read a book together, listen to some soft music, or do a puzzle. But, steer clear of anything too stimulating, like screen time or roughhousing.

Children thrive on routine, so establish a set sequence of activities before bed. For us, it's taking a bath, brushing teeth, putting on PJs, and reading a bedtime story. This helps our son feel more relaxed and ready for sleep.

Make sure the bedroom is conducive to sleep too. Adjust the temperature, use blackout curtains to block out light, or even use a white noise machine to drown out distracting sounds. We went through a phase where our son only slept while listening to Enya's greatest hits (yup, giving away my age here!), but thankfully that phase is over.

Once you've established a bedtime routine, be consistent with it as much as possible. It'll help your child know what to expect, making it easier for them to fall asleep on their own. We try to stick to our routine, even when we're visiting family or on holiday.

Remember, every family is different, so what works for us might not work for you. Don't be afraid to experiment with different activities or routines to find what works best for your child. Be patient and consistent, and you'll help your child develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit them for years to come.

So, what about you? Do you have any bedtime routine tips to share? Feel free to let me know at!

Take care,

Miss Linky


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