Dealing with unsolicited parenting advice.

Hey there mama bear! Being a mom is one of the most amazing things in the world, but let's face it - dealing with commentary and unsolicited parenting advice can be frustrating and irritating at times. The other day, my grandma came to me in tears, saying that she's been losing sleep over my two-year-old son. Why? Apparently, she felt sorry for him because we only let him have candy or processed sugar on special occasions. I was taken aback and didn't know how to respond. It seemed like she thought we were being bad parents! But then, on Christmas Day, my grandma offered my son some candy and he wasn't interested at all. Phew! That was a relief. I didn't even have to say anything. While it's great to get helpful tips from other parents, sometimes it can feel overwhelming and frustrating when people offer advice without considering your unique situation. Here are some tips on how to deal with it without losing your cool.

First things first, if someone offers unsolicited advice, politely decline. You can thank them for their concern, but let them know you've got this under control. It's totally okay to have your own way of doing things, so don't feel pressured to follow someone else's advice if it doesn't feel right for you and your family.

If you're stuck in a situation where you can't decline the advice, like at a family gathering or playdate, try changing the subject. Talk about something else entirely or ask them about their own parenting experiences. This can help redirect the conversation away from the unsolicited advice and onto a more positive note.

Now, sometimes unsolicited advice can actually be helpful. If someone offers you advice that you think might work for your family, go ahead and take it! You don't have to implement everything that everyone suggests, but taking what you need can be a valuable tool in your parenting toolbox.

But here's the thing, mama - you are the expert when it comes to your child. No one knows your little one better than you do. Trust your instincts and don't let unsolicited advice undermine your confidence. Your parenting decisions should be based on what's best for your family, not what others think.

Last but not least, don't take it personally. People offer advice because they care, and they may have had positive experiences with the advice they're offering. So don't sweat it, mama bear. Keep doing what you're doing and remember that you're a rockstar mom. You've got this!

Take care!

Miss Linky
